GOOD LOOKS - Animal Baby Shower Guestbook

Monday, August 27, 2012

diaper doodling

Yesterday, we shared the fun "guess how many in the jar" game, and today we are showcasing another favourite baby shower game that I spotted a while back on the internet. Diaper doodling is a fun alternative to a traditional guestbook and couldn't be easier than changing a nappy!

Buy a packet of nappies, and peg them to a clothesline for some pre-playing décor. Then ask guests to each take a nappy or two and write a fun message, word of advice or draw a picture - that will make the new mom smile when each time when she changes her new born baby's diaper.

This was a lot of fun! And some of the comments were hysterical: I wrote "Wake up Daddy, and make him do this!" and another mom wrote "Just think only another 1 000 to go...". Do you have a funny message? Do share below with a comment.

GOOD TIP: I used Kokis, but they smudged a bit, so opt for something more permanent.



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